1. Purchase your Volunteer Deposit Ticket from Eventbrite.
2. You will receive access to the application in your Deposit Confirmation Email from Eventbrite.
3. Fill out the application and let us know which team you’d like to join.
4. You are accepted! If managers have any questions, they will get back to you ASAP.
Here’s some information you’ll want to know…
All volunteers will work 2 (two) shifts, lasting 5 (five) hours each from Friday thru Sunday at the festival. A total of only 10 hours!
Volunteers will only work 1 shift per day.
Deposits will be returned within 10 working days post festival IF volunteer hours are completed.
Schedules will be sent approximately 1 week prior to festival. Volunteer Managers will be in touch approximately 3 weeks prior to the festival with more details.
Email with any questions.
There is a $25 non-refundable application fee.
All volunteers will receive an official Shoe Fest Volunteer T-Shirt to wear during your shift and take home!
Green Team duties include…
promote recycling program
assisting in collection
sorting through recycling and compost
SHOE CREW duties include….
parking lot management
bridge control
box office assistance
and more